03 March 2025

What's New in 4.37?

Welcome to the ebs 4.37 release, our final release of 2021 and the most anticipated ebs release for some time. This release delivers lots of updates across the product set and sees us formally release our new end-to-end ILP solution, which has been in planning and development for over two years.

In our new ILP, the ebs Innovations team have delivered an exceptional new module with user experience for both the learner and tutor at the heart of the design. We are looking forward to implementations commencing in 2021 and are ready to take feedback and develop further based on user feedback. There is a lot of supporting collateral and webinars to go along with the launch of ILP, and we encourage all customers to review these and consider how the module could revolutionise your teaching and learning delivery.

As well as the Innovation-specific work, 4.37 sees a range of significant updates, including:

  • A new parent hub, providing the basis for parent interactions with all stages of the learner journey

  • The completion of the new ontrack reports cradle, allowing customers to migrate from the legacy reports cradle to a new improved interface

  • Updates to the exam results import routine to support the new JCQ A2C XML results format

  • Completion of our journey of enabling all products to use Azure authentication with the addition of the client applications. Into 2022, we will be adding G Suite authentication for the client applications and will be actively encouraging all customers to adopt a third party authentication provider as we move away from native user account management within our applications.

  • Further improvements to Data Miner.

With the release of our new ILP and reports cradle, we have issued de-support notices for their predecessors. All customers should review these notices and ensure they have a plan to move to the new versions in plenty of time.

The ebs Online Help continues to develop and we continue to embed videos into the online help pages. As with the previous release, users of ebs: central will be prompted to view the release notes post-upgrade. All changes are documented in the release notes, which we recommend all customers read as they contain key information with regards to product updates and how you can make use of them.

We’d like to take the opportunity to once again thank our beta testers who have provided feedback on the beta release in the last few weeks and we ask all customers to consider being a beta tester for future releases. Please keep your eye on Tribal Communities for more information.

This is our third release of 2021 and each release contains functionality that we consider useful to all customers. We encourage all customers who have not adopted new functionality in previous releases to review release packs for all recent major releases to ensure that you are making the most of ebs functionality. We would like to thank all customers who provide feedback to us and we look forward to engaging with you further as we shape our next releases of ebs.

- Mike Fisher, Senior Product Manager